Team Agreements 3: Proper Care and Feeding

Third in a four-part series on updating our approach to team agreements

What color is your preferred universe?

I’m partial to green, teal, and raspberry. My house welcomes a saturated explosion of plants, masks, and tiki mugs. I love it, but it’s not for everyone. My mom can only stay for a few hours before fleeing to the calm of her clutter-free counters and soft white walls.

My universe stresses her out because it’s so “busy.” Her peacefully sterile environment makes me edgy. Thank goodness we don’t have to agree on house decor!

I’m musing about the colors we prefer to inhabit because it came up in this week’s episode on crafting Future-Fit Team Agreements.

This is episode three of four.

In this episode, our seven guest experts share tips on keeping the team agreement fire alive after the initial gathering ends, the band goes home, and your team finds their great intentions smudged up with a mess of reality.

Once the agreement is in place, how do teams use it? And what happens when it all seemed good on paper, but then you find out that some of you love purple while others only tolerate beige1?

🚀 Episode Title: Future-Fit Team Agreements 3: Proper Care and Feeding

🔍 Episode Description: In this episode, we hear seven expert perspectives on where team agreements should live, how to keep them relevant, and one potentially unintended consequence we encourage you to embrace.

🎧 Listen Now: here or watch on YouTube here.

👉 Episode Timestamps (23 minutes total):

  • 00:55 - Gwen: Keep agreements visible

  • 01:29 - Chase: Add agreements to an editable handbook

  • 02:02 - Lisette: Reserve time to improve each week

  • 02:56 - Chase: You can't overcommunicate

  • 03:09 - Gustavo: Agreements are never perfect

  • 03:54 - Jim: Make it beautifully your own

  • 06:40 - Lisette: Everyone can update agreements

  • 08:12 - Jim: Great agreements thrive under pressure

  •  09:18 - Gustavo: Don't try for perfect

  • 09:50 - Mark: Agreements lead to culture change

  • 11:55 - Lisette: Agreements force team change

  • 15:04 - Gustavo: If you do it right, someone will probably quit

  • 17:16 - Gwen: Beware too many competing agreements

  • 19:18 - Bud: Right-sizing reviews and retros

🎧 Listen Now: here or watch on YouTube here.

About Our Guests

🌟 Our Guests: 

To learn more about and connect with our guests, visit their websites and follow them on LinkedIn.

Thank you for following along with us this far, and thank you for all your thoughtful feedback. Keep it coming!

Next week, we’ll wrap this up with answers to this question: How does our approach to team agreements need to evolve going forward?

Have a lovely weekend,

– Elise

1. Cosmic Latte to be exact. That’s the average color of the universe. Gustavo, I looked it up!

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