Future-Tweaking Our Approach to Team Agreements

Final episode in a four-part series on updating our approach to team agreements

Hi friend!

Today we wrap up our interview series on the practice and potential of team agreements.

Our journey thus far:

In this episode, our guest experts consider how our approach to team agreements needs to evolve to keep pace with changes in the workplace.

🚀 Episode Title: Future-Tweaking Our Approach to Team Agreements

🔍 Episode Description: In this episode, we hear six perspectives on what’s missing in how we form team agreements today and the evolving role of leadership.

🎧 Listen Now: here or watch on YouTube here.

👉 Episode Timestamps (25 minutes total):

  • 00:55 - Lisette: the number one change

  • 02:07 - Gustavo: No agreement theater

  • 02:52 - Gwen: Leaders leading agreement formation

  • 03:31 - Gwen: Embrace AI

  • 04:46 - Jim: Answering the call for awareness

  • 05:40 - Bud: Rethinking the environment

  • 07:15 - Jim: Visualize evolution

  • 08:20 - Bud: Driving out bullshit work

  • 09:17 - Gustavo: Team clarity as an anchor

  • 12:00 - Gwen: Iterative agreement

  • 13:01 - Bud: Chief Complexity Reduction Officer

  • 15:21 - Jim: Create a shared understanding of the value in the work

  • 18:37 - Mark: Weave the social fabric

  • 19:52 - Lisette: Leaders model. You're a leader.

  • 21:11 - Jim: Dammit, you've got to be kind.

  • 23:38 - Gwen: Stay curious

🎧 Listen Now: here or watch on YouTube here.

About Our Guests

🌟 Our Guests: 

To learn more about and connect with our guests, visit their websites and follow them on LinkedIn.

Thank you for following along with us, and thank you for all your thoughtful feedback. I’m curious: what stuck out to you?

Next week, I’ll share my takeaways from this series.

Sneak peek! Here’s one: Collaboration Debt. And here’s another!

You’ve got to be kind.

Then, we’ll pull it together with an updated guide to forming new team agreements. I’m actively working on that guide now. As I pull it together, I’d love to hear from you.

  • What do you struggle with when forming or using team agreements?

  • What do you do that works really well, and you think more people should try?

  • What questions still need answering?

Until next time,

– Elise

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